Dealing Effectively With Humiliating Charges
As is the case with most crimes of a sexual nature, the crime of public lewdness carries grave social stigma in addition to substantial criminal penalties. And while any type of lewd conduct is a serious offense, the penalties become especially severe when it involves children. At Intermountain Legal, we appreciate the effect these charges can have on your life and how easy it can be for otherwise law-abiding people to stumble into them under the wrong circumstances. We fight on behalf of those accused of lewdness and other sexual crimes to ensure they receive fair treatment in the criminal justice system.
What is Lewdness Under Utah Law?
Lewdness is the performance of any number of sexual acts in public, in the presence of another person who is at least 14 years of age or under any circumstances reasonably likely to cause affront or alarm. These can include intercourse and masturbation but can also include fairly minor acts such as exposing the buttock or breast. Needless to stay, under the current law it is quite possible for certain ill-advised but essentially harmless conduct to fit the definition of public lewdness. Nevertheless, public lewdness is a Class B misdemeanor and a defendant convicted of it may be left with a criminal record as well as substantial fines and even confinement. That is why it is important not to underestimate these charges and to consult a lewdness attorney in Utah immediately.
Aggravating Factors for Lewdness
While all lewdness charges are serious, they can become even more so under certain circumstances. If a person charged with lewdness is a registered sex offender, has twice before been convicted of lewdness or once previously been convicted of lewdness involving a child under the age of 14, the crime becomes a third-degree felony offense. Moreover, lewd conduct in the presence of a child under the age of 14 is a Class A misdemeanor.
Call The Firm for a Free Consultation Regarding Public Lewdness Charges
Public lewdness is a serious and humiliating charge. But at Intermountain Legal, our lewdness and voyeurism attorneys in Utah understand how easy it is for one bad decision or misunderstanding to put a person in this situation. We believe everyone deserves a second chance and fight to give our clients that opportunity by obtaining dismissals or favorable plea bargains. We know the law and we know the process. Call our office today at 801-970-2800 or contact us online to begin taking control of your legal troubles.
Our Other Services
Intermountain Legal is located in Salt Lake City, UT and serves clients throughout all of Northern and Central Utah including Salt Lake City, Midvale, Sandy, West Jordan, North Salt Lake, Bountiful, South Jordan, Clearfield, Woods Cross, Draper, Farmington, Centerville, Layton, Ogden, Lehi, Provo, Orem, Park City and the counties of Davis, Salt Lake, Weber, Utah, Tooele and Summit.