Have You Been Charged With Identity Theft in Utah?
Many types of misdemeanor and felony charges are unofficially referred to as identity theft. Typically, so-called white collar offenses such as credit card theft, check forgery, and other crimes involving the illegal use of someone else’s name, bank account or social security number fit into the category.
Free Consultation · Major Credit Cards · Competitive Fees · Former Prosecutor
If you are under investigation for identity theft, or have been charged, it’s time to talk to an experienced, knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer. Criminal defense attorney Steven K. Burton provides aggressive, effective legal defense for people charged with all types of fraud and white collar crimes, including:
- Identity theft
- Credit card fraud
- Internet fraud, phishing
- Check forgery, stolen checks
- Investment fraud
- Social Security fraud
- Welfare fraud
- Mortgage and bank loan fraud
A Note to Parents of Juvenile Offenders
Young people often make mistakes. Using someone else’s credit card account number or finding a check book is a tempting way to buy the things they can’t afford with their own limited resources. If your minor-aged son or daughter is facing juvenile court charges of a crime involving identity theft, call Intermountain Legal right away.
Contact Intermountain Legal criminal law office in Salt Lake City for a free consultation. We represent clients in communities throughout Northern Utah. We are available for consultations between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
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