Forming A Compelling Defense For Those Charged With Sexual Abuse
Few crimes carry the same social stigma as those involving sexual abuse. Conviction of a sexual abuse crime in Utah can mean long-term imprisonment and a lifetime of being required to register as a sex offender. Even mere allegations can have a devastating impact on your reputation and personal and professional life. If you have been accused of sexual abuse — even if you have not yet been charged — you need to contact a Utah sex abuse lawyer immediately. Our team at Intermountain Legal can help protect your rights during investigation and begin building your case against the serious charges that normally follow.
Utah Sex Abuse Laws
While not as serious as rape, sexual abuse of a child is a second-degree felony under the Utah Criminal Code. Victims of this crime must generally be under the age of 14. Conduct that constitutes sexual abuse can include touching of the private areas of a child as well as any other indecent liberties if done with an intent to cause substantial emotional or bodily pain or to arouse or gratify sexual desire. Sexual abuse is a qualifying offense for which a convicted person may be required to comply with the provisions of Utah’s Sex and Kidnap Offender Registry.
The Utah Criminal Code also identifies numerous factors that can elevate a offense to aggravated sexual abuse of a child:
- Use of a dangerous weapon
- Force, duress or violence
- Severe bodily or psychological injury
- Perpetrator who was a stranger to the victim
- Involvement of pornography
- Prior offenses or acts
- Multiple victims
- Perpetrator who was in a position of trust
- Sexual penetration
- Multiple perpetrators
Aggravated sexual abuse is a first-degree felony carrying a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison. With potential penalties this severe, representation by an experienced Utah attorney is indispensable.
Why You Need a Lawyer
Sexual abuse of a child is a serious crime that should be addressed by an attorney. These types of cases are exceedingly complex and, because reliable first-hand witnesses don’t often exist, they often hinge on the testimony of the alleged victim as well as analysis of that victim by child psychology experts. Forming a compelling defense against these charges often requires experience, creativity and courtroom acumen — all attributes the Utah sex abuse lawyers at Intermountain Legal possess.
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Call The Firm for a Free Consultation Regarding Sex Abuse Charges
Our team at Intermountain Legal has the criminal defense experience necessary to defend your freedom and reputation against these serious charges. We know the law and we know the process. Call our office today at 801-970-2800 or contact us online to begin taking control of your legal troubles.
Intermountain Legal is located in Salt Lake City, UT and serves clients throughout all of Northern and Central Utah including Salt Lake City, Midvale, Sandy, West Jordan, North Salt Lake, Bountiful, South Jordan, Clearfield, Woods Cross, Draper, Farmington, Centerville, Layton, Ogden, Lehi, Provo, Orem, Park City and the counties of Davis, Salt Lake, Weber, Utah, Tooele and Summit.