- When Do The Police Need A Warrant To Arrest Me In Utah? Most of the time police do not need a warrant in order to effectuate […]
- What Is Considered Domestic Violence In Utah? The term “domestic violence” can be confusing because it is not limited to physical violence towards a spouse, like […]
- What Is A Pre-Trial Conference In Utah? Pre-trial conferences happen in both felony and misdemeanor cases. It is an opportunity for you and the other side […]
- What Is A Plea In Abeyance? A Plea in Abeyance is designed to allow people to keep a criminal conviction from going on their record. Often […]
- If the police decide because of their investigation to arrest you for a specific criminal charge, they are supposed to read your rights at that point […]
- What Are The Penalties For A Misdemeanor In Utah? The Legislature sets the minimum and maximum for all types of classifications, which are divided into 3 […]
- Should I Plead Guilty At My First Court Date? 99% of the time it is not a good idea to plead guilty right up front before […]
- Recommended Utah Bailbondsmen The best bail bondsmen are the ones that have a reputation for consistently providing good service and who are available to answer client’s […]
- Vernal Utah Criminal Defense Attorney If you have been charged with a crime in Vernal, Utah, your first step should be to seek out advice that […]
- Pleasant Grove Utah Criminal Defense Attorney If you have been charged with a crime in Pleasant Grove Utah, you likely have many worries and questions. Your […]
- Fillmore Utah Criminal Defense Attorney If you have been charged with a crime in Fillmore, Utah, you need a criminal defense attorney who has experience working […]
- Information For City And County Courts Fillmore Utah Criminal Defense Attorney Pleasant Grove Utah Criminal Defense Attorney Vernal Utah Criminal Defense Attorney
- Am I Required To Perform The Field Sobriety Tests? You are not required to perform field sobriety tests in the event you are pulled over for DUI. But […]
- Criminal Law Resources When a friend or family member has been charged with a crime, it is difficult to know how to help and what to […]
- Criminal Defense Tips Suggestions On What To Do If You Are Pulled Over Or Arrested 1. Keep accurate records of your interactions with police When you […]
- Am I required to perform the Field Sobriety Tests? You are not required to perform field sobriety tests in the event you are pulled over for […]
- When do the police need a warrant to arrest me in Utah? Most of the time police do not need a warrant in order to effectuate […]
- What if the police don’t read me my rights? If the police decide because of their investigation to arrest you for a specific criminal charge, they […]
- Should I plead guilty at my first court date? 99% of the time it is not a good idea to plead guilty right up front before […]
- What is a Plea in Abeyance? A Plea in Abeyance is designed to allow people to keep a criminal conviction from going on their record. Often […]
- Can the police question me once I ask for an attorney? Police are required to stop their interrogation at the time you ask for an attorney, […]
- What are the penalties for a misdemeanor in Utah? [/heading][vc_column_text]The Legislature sets the minimum and maximum for all types of classifications, which are divided into 3 […]
- What is a Pre-trial Conference in Utah? Pre-trial conferences happen in both felony and misdemeanor cases. It is an opportunity for you and the other side […]
- What is considered Domestic Violence in Utah? The term “domestic violence” can be confusing because it is not limited to physical violence towards a spouse, like […]
- What are the penalties for domestic violence in Utah? Because domestic violence is not actually an offense, but a classification of an offense committed against a […]
- Can the police come in my house without a warrant? The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects people from the government performing unreasonable searches and […]
- How much will a DUI cost me in Utah? Utah takes DUI charges very seriously. Not only will a conviction yield consequences such as jail, fines, […]
- What is an Arraignment in Utah? An arraignment is part of the misdemeanor and felony court process in Utah. Although it happens at difference stages in […]
- What is a Scheduling Conference in Utah? What is known as a scheduling conference in Salt Lake County can be known as something else in other […]
- What is a Preliminary Hearing in Utah? A preliminary hearing is kind of like an abbreviated trial. It’s not a full-blown trial, the prosecution does not […]
- What is an Initial Appearance in Utah? An initial appearance is a hearing that only happens in Felony and Class A misdemeanor cases, so it only […]
- If I get pulled over for DUI do I have to answer the officer’s questions? The short answer is no. The fifth amendment to the U.S. […]
- Felony vs. Misdemeanor Charges What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony? The biggest difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is the […]
- How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Attorney In Salt Lake City? The cost for a criminal defense attorney can vary widely and different attorneys […]
- What are the penalties for my charges? The penalties for a crime will depend on the level of crime it is and what the circumstances of […]
- What do I do if someone I care about is arrested? If they are still in jail, find out the amount of their bond, and either […]
- What to do if you have a warrant in Utah? A warrant is an order signed by a judge that allows a police officer to arrest […]
- If I am the victim, can I drop the charges? A victim does not have the power to drop charges. Charges are brought by the prosecutor, […]
- What is the criminal court process in Utah? This is a simplified diagram showing the Utah criminal court process. Below is a written explanation of each […]