We understand that when it comes to legal matters, it can all be very confusing. That's why our lawyers are here to help clear everything up for you. If you have been convicted of a presumable crime, it's important that you have an experienced lawyer on your side. It's also important to know what type of crime you've been charged with. This information will help you understand the severity of the situation and what to expect from the criminal justice system.
Crimes are divided into categories to differentiate the severity of the crimes that were committed. Punishment such as fines or jail times depends on the severity of the crime. Crimes are separated into three categories; infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Additionally, these categories are separated into subcategories.
An infraction is a minor offense that is usually punishable by a fine. They usually don't show up on criminal records and they don't incur jail time. Traffic violations, such as speeding or running a red light, are typically considered infractions. Other infractions include public intoxication, trespassing, and disorderly conduct.Misdemeanor
A misdemeanor is a more serious offense than an infraction, but it is still less serious than a felony. Misdemeanors are punishable by jail time of up to one year, as well as a fine. Some common misdemeanors include assault, burglary, DUI, and possession of marijuana. People who commit these crimes are sentenced to prison in county jail instead of a high-security prison. Misdemeanors are classified as either Class A, B, or C based on their severity.
A class A misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor. It is punishable by jail time of up to one year and a fine. Class A misdemeanors include assault, burglary, DUI, and possession of marijuana.
A class B misdemeanor is a less severe type of misdemeanor. It is punishable by jail time of up to six months and a fine. Some common class B misdemeanors include disorderly conduct, petit theft, and prostitution.
A class C misdemeanor is the least severe type of misdemeanor. It is punishable by a fine only. Some common class C misdemeanors include public intoxication and trespassing.
A felony is the most serious type of crime. A felony is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year, as well as a serious fine. Some common felonies include murder, robbery, rape, and drug trafficking. A felony also results in a serious criminal record. Like a misdemeanor, a felony is also divided into classes.
A class A felony is the most serious type of felony. It is punishable by imprisonment from 10 years to life in prison, or even the death sentence. Fines can reach upwards of $100,000. Some common class A felonies include voluntary manslaughter, murder, robbery, and rape. Repeat offenders are likely to get even more severe penalties.
A class B felony is considered less severe than a class A felony but is still punishable by imprisonment for up to 25 years, as well as a hefty fine. Some common class B felonies include burglary, drug trafficking, and arson. Felony classes vary from state to state.
A criminal defense attorneyspecializes in criminal law and represents a person who has been accused of a crime. If you have been convicted of a crime, you need someone on your side to help fight the legal battle to get you a smaller offense and shorter sentence.
With Intermountain Legal, we offer free consultations. We understand that each situation is unique, and will then help you proceed in the best way possible. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance and a fair trial. Our lawyers at Intermountain Legal have the experience and skills to get you the best possible outcome for your case.