A clean record is invaluable. A stained record can make all sorts of things complicated. It can limit housing options, disrupt your career, and muddy your reputation. While it may seem impossible to redeem your history, it is completely possible. It’s called expungement.
Expungement is the legal process of removing a criminal record from the state’s files. It begins with a petition and ends with a judge ordering the expungement.
Expungement is the only way to repair a broken record. So, offering the officer at the courthouse a crisp, fresh Abraham Lincoln with a wink is not only a bad option, but it could earn you another stain on your already tarnished record.
Clearing your record! If you’ve made a mistake and ended up with a criminal record, work to get it expunged. A criminal record will almost always come back to haunt you. Taking the steps to fix your record is completely worth it.
To see if you are eligible for an expungement, visit the public safety website.
If you have questions about the expungement process or any other legal procedure, contact our attorneys at Intermountain Legal.