Driving in Utah can be a bit confusing for native Utahns, let alone visitors. But, with Intermountain Legal’s Defense Attorney Tips, you won’t find yourself on the wrong side of the road or the law.
Before we discuss the dos and don’ts unique to Utah roads, let’s examine the basics of the carpool lane, also known as the HOV or express lane. This lane is a unique Utah freeway novelty. It is expressly reserved for those who are carrying one or more passengers. Single drivers must pay a toll if they want to drive in the express lane.
Another good driving law to remember is Utah’s driving under the influence (DUI) law. If you are found with a blood alcohol content at or over .08% while driving, you will be arrested and charged with DUI.
Unfortunately, considering your unborn child as your passenger doesn’t work in the carpool lane. Your mini golden doodle doesn’t count, either. Dummies, mannequins, and large animals wearing sunglasses won’t pass the test.
When it comes to being under the influence, falling asleep in your car with your keys in your back pocket after you’ve been drinking is not a great idea. Sitting and waiting in your vehicle for a friend with your keys easily accessible after drinking is also not a great option. In Utah, you can be arrested and charged with DUI for simply being in your car, with your keys, and over the legal limit.
If you want to drive fast, consider hiring a passenger or recruiting a friend for the day. If you don’t want to find an additional person, your best bet is to purchase an HOV toll pass.
If you know you’re going out to party and you might drink a little more than the legal driving limit allows, arrange transportation home. It’s always a good idea to party with a trusted friend who can play the role of designated driver.
Avoid being the driver who is called out on a Reddit thread for having “main character syndrome” by driving legally and responsibly. And, as always, if you are in need of legal counsel or help with anything legal and driving, reach out to Intermountain Legal today!